Deep Freeze program to freeze computer for free download 2013

About the Deep Freeze Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze Deep Freeze will keep to your computer from other two messes and messes your children in machine files in other words, when the installation program Deep Freeze Deep Freeze on your computer, the program to freeze the things you do, such as deleting and removing files and programs, if you delete a particular file from your computer and you restart your computer you'll find that the file as it is not deleted. This is very important to protect your computer from intrusions and Trojan files and viruses, because a virus descends on your device from the Internet is nothing but an exe file and have installs itself on your system, if you have a program Deep Freeze Deep Freeze can freeze stuff like this because once restart your computer then it will automatically delete these viruses through the program.

Program size: approximately 18 MB.Download Deep Freeze Deep Freeze
From here - direct link

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