Messages for the New Year's Eve for the new year 2013, Happy New Year

Thought Oahdik in New Year


But I hesitated at the last minute

Eased Ostaqlk

What I can see you

I promised my Lord

Each passing year

I love you more

And Ostaqlk more

Otmanalk beautiful years

Tip lover

Look yourself Halsna حاسبها

And Look Gltatk and amended

The New Year was

The same sweet and innocent

If Ours

And Angerhana

Khalna Nnsna

Or Ntanasa

Important to express New Year

And hearts Mtsafah

Ptbdy New Year

The ancient prophet Rasayel

Everything new prophet

Optimistic the year happy

O most expensive humans and loved ones

P doors New Year

God and lachrymal and extent Alahdab

I decided to forget the admonition

Without guilt and without reasons

And Oahdik sweetest trowels

I wish you could hear the answer

Our Weird

The dimensions

The parting

If only the New Year

Collect hearts

And reconcile Racine

And be an example of the finest lovers

I and my heart ransoms eyes

I got used to Vnonk

The father of a new year without you

My father lived splendor Jnonk

I challenge the world and I am with you

The words of humans loud I love you

With the beginning of a new year I say my darling

I and my heart and my soul and my sense Radwa Maak

Each year and goodness Green and your walking

And smile Dom dissociation healed

And the Lord you live

Endowed Oh dear New Year Ohennek

May God Aaudh Alia and you

And protect you and saves غاليك

Congratulations from vein to vein

Before the crowds and appointments

Every year you happy

And long life

And alcohol kiss my most expensive Habib


Longing never my step before أجيك

Hant eye before my tongue utter

Han holistic Balgla Jet Ohennek

The rush you to the most beautiful and thinner congratulations

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